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Carach Angren - Death Came Through a Phantom Ship


Segundo álbum da banda holandesa de Symphonic Black Metal, lançado originalmente em 2010.

Versão de 2021 com slipcase.


(Caixa Acrílica+Slipcase)

Ano: 2010/2021

País: Holanda

Ano de Formação: 2003

Procedência: Nacional

Gravadora: Valhall Music

Estilo: Symphonic Black Metal



1. Electronic Voice Phenomena

2. The Sighting Is a Portent of Doom

3. …and the Consequence Macabre

4. Van der Decken’s Triumph

5. Bloodstains on the Captain’s Log

6. Al betekent het mijn dood

7. Departure Towards a Nautical Curse

8. The Course of a Spectral Ship

9. The Shining Was a Portent of Gloom


Para fãs de Fleshgod Apocalypse, Behemoth, Dimmu Borgir, Cradle of Filth, Samael, Belphegor, Nightfall, Vesania, Varathron, Acheron, Old Man's Child, Limbonic Art