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Carach Angren - This Is No Fairytale


Quarto álbum da banda holandesa de Symphonic Black Metal, lançado originalmente em 2015.

Versão de 2021 com slipcase.


(Caixa Acrílica+Slipcase)

Ano: 2015/2021

País: Holanda

Ano de Formação: 2003

Procedência: Nacional

Gravadora: Valhall Music

Estilo: Symphonic Black Metal



1. Once upon a Time

2. There’s No Place like Home

3. When Crows Tick on Windows

4. Two Flies Flew into a Black Sugar Cobweb

5. Dreaming of a Nightmare in Eden

6. Possessed by a Craft of Witchery

7. Killed and Served by the Devil

8. The Witch Perished in Flames

9. Tragedy Ever After


Para fãs de Fleshgod Apocalypse, Behemoth, Dimmu Borgir, Cradle of Filth, Samael, Belphegor, Nightfall, Vesania, Varathron, Acheron, Old Man's Child, Limbonic Art