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Cradle of Filth - Trouble and Their Double Lives CD Duplo


Álbum ao vivo  da banda britânica de Death / Symphonic Black Metal, lançado nacionalmente em 2023, inclui duas faixas de estúdio inéditas, She Is a Fire e  Demon Prince Regent.


Duplo Simples (Caixa Acrílica)


País: Reino Unido

Ano de Formação: 1991

Procedência: Nacional

Gravadora: Metal Army

Estilo: Death Metal / Symphonic Black Metal


Track List :


Disc 1

South Of Heaven


1.She Is a Fire

2.Heaven Torn Asunder

3.Blackest Magick in Practice

4.Honey and Sulphur

5.Nymphetamine (Fix)

6.Born in a Burial Gown

7.Desire in Violent Overture

8.Bathory Aria

9.The Death of Love (live) (bonus track)


Disc 2

Mouth Of Hell


1.Demon Prince Regent

2.Heartbreak and Seance

3.Right Wing of the Garden Triptych

4.The Promise of Fever

5.Haunted Shores

6.Gilded Cunt

7.Saffron’s Curse

8.Lustmord and Wargasm (The Lick of Carnivorous Winds)

9.You Will Know the Lion by His Claw (live) (bonus track)



Para fãs de Fleshgod Apocalypse, Behemoth, Dimmu Borgir, Cradle of Filth, Samael, Belphegor, Nightfall, Vesania, Varathron, Acheron, Old Man's Child, Limbonic Art


Cradle of Filth - Malignant Perfection

Cradle of Filth - Damnation and a Day

Cradle of Filth - Midian



Categorias: CDs, Death / Black / Thrash

Tags: 2 faixas inéditas, 75.00, britânica, CD Duplo, death metal, live, nacional, reino unido, symphonic black metal


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